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View Statistics - Next Notice - Previous NoticeDirectory filter : [ all ] / postnuke_official / html / modules / admin [ view in CVS ]
Date | Directory [filter] | File(s) [view] | Author [filter] |
04 Aug 2002 21:23:23 | postnuke_official/html/modules/admin | admin.php,NONE, changes.txt,NONE, index.php,NONE, moduleChanges.php,NONE, pnfunctions.php,NONE, pninit.php,NONE, pntables.php,NONE, pnversion.php,NONE, | John Cox |
added new admin view |
Update of /home/cvsroot/postnuke_official/html/modules/admin In directory Added Files: Tag: PostNuke_71 admin.php changes.txt index.php moduleChanges.php pnfunctions.php pninit.php pntables.php pnversion.php Log Message: added new admin view --- NEW FILE: admin.php --- <? // File: $Id: admin.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-NUKE Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - // Thatware - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Original Author of file: Magnus Hammar & Bjarne Varöystrand // Purpose of file: Display a new adminlayout with more options // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!eregi("admin.php", $PHP_SELF)) { die ("Access Denied"); } $index = 0; /************************************************************************/ $ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); /************************************************************************/ modules_get_language(); /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ function adminlite_show($gID,$show_in_a_row) { $ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Do some database stuff... list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = admin_pntables(); $table = $pntable['member_table']; $column = &$pntable['members']; $modTable = pnConfigGetVar('prefix')."_modules"; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Number of modules shown in a row // $show_in_a_row = 4; // Number of files to show in a row // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate some stuff like rowspan... $colspan = $show_in_a_row * 2; $show_in_a_row = $show_in_a_row - 1; $shown = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the name of this module $gName = getAdminLiteName($gID); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Start with the printout of all the modules in this group echo " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"> <tr> <td colspan=\"".$colspan."\" align=\"center\" nowrap height=\"15\"><img src=\"modules/$ModName/pnimages/spacer.gif\" alt=\"An Empty Spacer\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"></td> </tr>"; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // Select all modules in this group and display them. // Also check and see if there is an admin-image and if it is // using admin.php och index.php. $query = "SELECT ".$column['mid']." FROM ".$table." INNER JOIN ".$modTable." AS mod ON ".$column['mid']." = mod.pn_id WHERE ".$column['gid']."='".$gID."' ORDER BY mod.pn_displayname"; $result = mysql_query($query); $num = mysql_numrows($result); if($num > 0){ for ($i = 0 ;$i < $num; $i++){ $mID = mysql_result($result, $i, $column['mid']); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Get information about the module // list($admin,$image,$name,$status) = getModInfo($mID); if (pnSecAuthAction(0, "admin::", ":".$name.":", ACCESS_EDIT)){ // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check and see if there is an image that we can use, else just // display the name. // if($status == 3 || $status == 5){ if(checkShowModule($name)){ if($image){ if(substr($image,-4,4) != ".png"){ if(file_exists($image) && substr($image,-4,4) == ".png" || substr($image,-4,4) ==".jpg" || substr($image,-4,4) ==".gif"){ $imInfo = getimagesize($image); $imHight = $imInfo[1]; $imWidth = $imInfo[0]; $image = "<img src=\"".$image."\" alt=\"".$name."\" width=\"".$imWidth."\" height=\"".$imHight."\" border=\"0\">"; } }else{ $image = "<img src=\"".$image."\" alt=\"".$name."\" border=\"0\">"; } }else{ if(file_exists("modules/".$ModName."/pnimages/default.gif")){ $image = "<img src=\"modules/".$ModName."/pnimages/default.gif\" alt=\"".$name."\" border=\"0\">"; }else{ $image = _ADMIN_LITE_NO_IMAGE_FOUND_; } } // Now we start and check how many outputs in a row we have // If none, then start with a new row. if($shown == 0){ echo "<tr>\n"; } // Print the module echo "<td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"bottom\" height=\"45\" width=\"10\"><img src=\"modules/$ModName/pnimages/spacer.gif\" alt=\"Spacer\" width=\"10\" height=\"1\"></td>\n"; echo "<td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"bottom\" height=\"45\" width=\"110\"><a href=\"".$admin."\">".$image."<br>$name</a></td>\n"; // If we have reached the maximum number of modules in a row then make a new row and a spacer // else just add a new number to the count. if($shown == $show_in_a_row){ $shown = 0; echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"".$colspan."\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap><img src=\"modules/$ModName/pnimages/spacer.gif\" alt=\"An Empty Spacer\" width=\"10\" height=\"25\"></td></tr>\n"; }else{ $shown = $shown + 1; } } } } } // When the loop of all modules in group is done we have some cleaning up to do // some rows ma be incomplete and then we have to finish them and in the end type a stop row tag. // if($shown != 0){ for($i = $shown; $i < ($show_in_a_row+1);$i++){ echo "<td align=\"center\" nowrap></td>\n"; echo "<td align=\"center\" nowrap></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } }else{ echo "<tr><td colspan=\"".$colspan."\" align=\"left\">"; echo '<b>'._ADMIN_LITE_EMPTY_TAB_.'</b> <p>'._ADMIN_LITE_HOW_TO_ADD_MODULES_TO_TAB_.'</p>'; echo "</td></tr>"; } // Display a logout-link at the bottom. echo "</table>"; } function adminlite_edit($gID){ $ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); $allSkins = getAllSkins(); $current_skin = pnModGetVar('AdminLite','use_skin'); echo " <form action=\"admin.php?op=main&module=$ModName&admin_func=edit\" method=\"post\"> <table> <tr> <td><select name=\"gID\" size=\"1\">"; listAllGroups($gID); echo "</select></td> <td> </td> <td><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._ADMIN_LITE_EDIT_TAB_."\"></td> </form><form action=\"admin.php?op=main&module=$ModName&admin_func=edit_groups\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"gID\" value=\"".$gID."\"> <td><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._ADMIN_LITE_EDIT_ALL_TABS_."\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"new_group\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"200\"></td> <td> </td> <td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._ADMIN_LITE_ADD_NEW_TAB_."\"></td> </tr> </form> <form action=\"admin.php?op=main&module=$ModName&admin_func=edit\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"gID\" value=\"".$gID."\"> <tr> <td><select name=\"new_skin\" size=\"1\">"; for($i = 0;$i < count($allSkins);$i++){ $skinInfo = $allSkins[$i]; // ........................ // Information available: // // dir // name // version // description // author // contact // ........................ echo "<option value=\"".$skinInfo['dir']."\""; if($skinInfo['dir'] == $current_skin){ echo " selected"; } echo ">".$skinInfo['name']."</option>\n"; } echo "</select></td> <td> </td> <td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._ADMIN_LITE_CHANGE_SKIN_."\"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br>"; // --------------------------------------------- // If there is any changes in the modules table // let's display a page with an alert or make it // automatic. $returnValue = checkSync($gID); if($returnValue){ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sync with all the new modules // if($returnValue['regen']){ regenerateModules($GLOBALS['regen']); $gID = $GLOBALS['regen']; echo "<p><b>"._ADMIN_LITE_INSTALLED_NEW_MODULES_."</b></p>"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remove all old modules not in use // if($returnValue['remove']){ removeOldModules(); echo "<p><b>"._ADMIN_LITE_REMOVED_OLD_MODULES_."</b></p>"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function displays a new window with information about new modules // and modules that has been removed. // // $page = "admin.php?DnMC=1&gID=".$gID."&op=main&module=$ModName&admin_func=0"; // printNewStatusModules($page,'400','250'); // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- } // // --------------------------------------------- echo "<br>"; if($gID > 0){ displaySingleEditTable($gID); } if(countMembersInGroup($gID) > 0){ displayModuleList($gID); }else{ echo "<b>"._ADMIN_LITE_EMPTY_TAB_."</b>"; echo "<p>"._ADMIN_LITE_HOW_TO_ADD_MODULES_TO_TAB_IN_ADMIN_."</p>"; } } function admin_main_automated() { list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) { OpenTable(); echo '<center><b>'._AUTOMATEDARTICLES.'</b></center>'."\n" .'<br>'."\n"; $count = 0; $column = &$pntable['autonews_column']; $query = buildSimpleQuery ('autonews', array ('anid', 'catid', 'aid', 'title', 'time', 'alanguage'), "$column[anid]!='" . language_sql('a','AND') . "'", "$column[time] ASC"); $result = $dbconn->Execute($query); if ($result->EOF) { echo '<center><i>'._NOAUTOARTICLES.'</i></center>'."\n"; } else { echo '<table border="1" width="100%">'."\n"; while(list($anid,$catid,$said,$title,$time,$alanguage) = $result->fields) { echo '<tr>'."\n"; if ($alanguage == '') $alanguage = 'x_all'; if ($count == 0) $count = 1; $time = ereg_replace(" ", "@", $time); if ($catid == 0) { // Default category $cattitle = ""; } else { $catcolumn = &$pntable['stories_cat_column']; $catquery = buildSimpleQuery('stories_cat', array('title'), "$catcolumn[catid] = $catid"); $catresult = $dbconn->Execute($catquery); list($cattitle) = $catresult->fields; } if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', "$said:$cattitle:", ACCESS_EDIT)) { echo '<td align="right" nowrap>(<a href="admin.php?module=ns-addstory&op=autoEdit&anid='.$anid.'">'._EDIT.'</a>'; if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', "$said:$cattitle:", ACCESS_DELETE)) { echo '-<a href="admin.php?module=ns-addstory&op=autoDelete&anid='.$anid.'">'._DELETE.'</a>'."\n"; } echo ')'; } echo '<td width="100%"> '.pnVarPrepForDisplay($title).' </td>'."\n" .'<td align="center"> '.language_name($alanguage).' </td>'."\n" .'<td nowrap> '.$time.' </td>'."\n" .'</tr>'."\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } echo '</table>'."\n"; } CloseTable(); } } function admin_main_article() { global $bgcolor1; list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); $admart = pnConfigGetVar('admart'); if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) { OpenTable(); echo '<center><b>'._LAST.' '.pnVarPrepForDisplay($admart).' '._ARTICLES.'</b></center>'."\n" .'<br>'."\n" .'<center>'."\n" .'<table border="1" width="100%" bgcolor="'.$bgcolor1.'">'; $storiescolumn = &$pntable['stories_column']; $topicscolumn = &$pntable['topics_column']; if (strcmp(pnConfigGetVar('dbtype'), 'oci8') == 0) { $myquery = "SELECT $storiescolumn[sid], $storiescolumn[cid], $storiescolumn[aid], $storiescolumn[title], $storiescolumn[time], $storiescolumn[topic], $storiescolumn[informant], $storiescolumn[alanguage], $topicscolumn[topicname] FROM $pntable[stories], $pntable[topics] WHERE $storiescolumn[topic]=$topicscolumn[topicid](+) ORDER BY $storiescolumn[time] DESC LIMIT $admart"; } else { $myquery = "SELECT $storiescolumn[sid], $storiescolumn[cid], $storiescolumn[aid], $storiescolumn[title], $storiescolumn[time], $storiescolumn[topic], $storiescolumn[informant], $storiescolumn[alanguage], $topicscolumn[topicname] FROM $pntable[stories] LEFT JOIN $pntable[topics] ON $storiescolumn[topic]=$topicscolumn[topicid] ORDER BY $storiescolumn[time] DESC LIMIT $admart"; } $result = $dbconn->Execute($myquery); while(list($sid, $cid, $said, $title, $time, $topic, $informant, $alanguage,$topicname) = $result->fields) { if ($alanguage=='') { $alanguage = 'x_all'; } formatTimestamp($time); if ($title == "") { $title = '- No title -'; } echo '<tr>'."\n" .'<td align="right"><b>'.$sid.'</b></td>' .'<td align="left" width="100%"><a href="modules.php?op=modload&name=news&file=article&sid='.$sid.'">'.pnVarPrepForDisplay($title).'</a></td>'."\n" .'<td align="center">'.language_name($alanguage).'</td>'."\n" .'<td align="right" nowrap>'.$topicname.'</td>'."\n"; if ($cid == 0) { // Default category $cattitle = ""; } else { $catcolumn = &$pntable['stories_cat_column']; $catquery = buildSimpleQuery('stories_cat', array('title'), "$catcolumn[catid] = $cid"); $catresult = $dbconn->Execute($catquery); list($cattitle) = $catresult->fields; } if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', "$said:$cattitle:", ACCESS_EDIT)) { echo '<td align="right" nowrap>(<a href="admin.php?module=ns-addstory&op=EditStory&sid='.$sid.'">'._EDIT.'</a>'; if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', "$said:$cattitle:", ACCESS_DELETE)) { echo '-<a href="admin.php?module=ns-addstory&op=RemoveStory&sid='.$sid.'">'._DELETE.'</a>'."\n"; } echo ')</td>'; } else { echo '<td> </td>'; } echo '</tr>'."\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } echo '</table>'."\n"; if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) { echo '<center>'."\n" .'<form action="admin.php" method="post">'."\n" .'<input type="hidden" name="module" value="ns-addstory">'."\n" ._STORYID.' : <input type="text" NAME="sid" SIZE="10">'."\n" .'<select name="op">'."\n" .'<option value="EditStory" SELECTED>'._EDIT.'</option>'."\n"; if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::', '::', ACCESS_DELETE)) { echo '<option value="RemoveStory">'._DELETE.'</option>'."\n"; } echo '</select>'."\n" .'<input type="hidden" name="authid" value="' . pnSecGenAuthKey() . '">' .'<input type="submit" value="'._GO.'">'."\n" .'</form>'."\n" .'</center>'."\n"; } CloseTable(); } } function admin_main_poll() { list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); $column = &$pntable['poll_desc_column']; $myquery = buildSimpleQuery ('poll_desc', array ('polltitle', 'pollid'), language_sql('p'), "$column[pollid] DESC", 1); $result = $dbconn->Execute($myquery); list($pollTitle, $pid) = $result->fields; if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Polls::', "$pollTitle::$pid", ACCESS_EDIT)) { OpenTable(); echo "<center>"._CURRENTPOLL.": ".pnVarPrepForDisplay($pollTitle)."</center>"; CloseTable(); } } function admin_admin_main(){ /************************************************************************/ $ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); $useNewAdmin = pnConfigGetVar('use_new_admin'); if($GLOBALS['new_skin'] != ""){ $newSkin = $GLOBALS['new_skin']; if(!pnModSetVar('AdminLite', 'use_skin', $newSkin)){ echo "No skin was set!"; } } $useThisSkin = pnModGetVar('AdminLite','use_skin'); if($useThisSkin == ""){ if(!pnModSetVar('AdminLite', 'use_skin', 'default')){ echo "No skin was set!"; } } if($useThisSkin == ""){ $useThisSkin = 'default'; } $use_skin = "modules/".$ModName."/skins/".$useThisSkin."/pnfunctions.php"; $func = $GLOBALS['admin_func']; $gID = $GLOBALS['gID']; include("modules/".$ModName."/pntables.php"); // include("modules/".$ModName."/pnfunctions.php"); include("modules/".$ModName."/pninit.php"); // Only to use the restore function if(file_exists($use_skin)){ include($use_skin); }else{ include("modules/".$ModName."/skins/default/pnfunctions.php"); } Admin_Lite_initiation($gID); if(!$func){ $func = getAdminLiteName(0,1); } // This will sync the modules table with the new admin // so the new modules will be displayed and any removed modules // will be removed. if($GLOBALS['DnMC'] == 1){ include("modules/".$ModName."/moduleChanges.php"); die; }elseif($GLOBALS['DnMC'] == 2){ include("modules/".$ModName."/moduleChanges.php"); die; } // Get the id so we know what tab to be selected when the // user access the admin without any selected tab or with a tabID // that is removed. if(allow_editable_tabs == 0){ if($func == "edit"){ $func = $gID; } $func = checkIfGroupNumberExists($func); }else{ if($func != "edit"){ if($func != "edit_groups"){ $func = checkIfGroupNumberExists($func); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if there is anything we should do before anything else // // ---------------------------------------------------------------- include("header.php"); // Output PN Default header // What do we want to use, the new or the old? if($useNewAdmin){ // Ok, let's use the new one then... adminlite_header($func,$numberOfTabsToShow,$tabImages); // Output our AdminLite Header // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // If no group was selected then choose the default group. if(allow_editable_tabs == 1){ if($func == "edit"){ // Edit tab adminlite_edit($gID); }elseif($func == "edit_groups"){ // Edit all tabs displayAllEditTable(); }else{ // Show the tab if the tabnumber exists. // else display the default. $func = checkIfGroupNumberExists($func); adminlite_show($func,$displayNumberOfModules); } }else{ // If the function allow_editable_tabs is false, then we will not show any // function to edit the tab. if($func == "edit"){ $func = $gID; }elseif($func == "edit_groups"){ $func = $gID; } // Show the tab if the tabnumber exists. // else display the default. $func = checkIfGroupNumberExists($func); adminlite_show($func,$displayNumberOfModules); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- echo "<hr>"; }else{ // Ok, let's use the OLD one then... menu_draw(); } // Do some old stuff if(($func != "edit") AND ($func != "edit_groups")){ admin_main_automated(); admin_main_article(); admin_main_poll(); } if($useNewAdmin){ adminlite_footer($func,$tabImages,$ModName); // Output the AdminLite Footer } include("footer.php"); // Output PN Default Footer /************************************************************************/ } ?> --- NEW FILE: changes.txt --- ------------------------------------------- 2002-07-30 v.0.0.7 The block is finished. Copied the function to display waiting content. /Magnus Hammar ------------------------------------------- 2002-07-29 v.0.0.7 Implemented all the old admin functions into the new so we can replace the old module with this new one. Created a new function to display a window if new modules has been added to the modules table or if it is removed from the table. Started to code a new block that will display all tabs. /Magnus Hammar ------------------------------------------- 2002-07-25 23:58 v.0.0.6 Fixed so we know what skin i sin use. /Magnus Hammar ------------------------------------------- --- NEW FILE: index.php --- <? // File: $Id: index.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-NUKE Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - // Thatware - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Original Author of file: // Purpose of file: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- die ("You can't access this file directly..."); ?> --- NEW FILE: moduleChanges.php --- <? // File: $Id: moduleChanges.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-NUKE Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - // Thatware - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Original Author of file: Magnus Hammar - Team PostNukeSweden // Purpose of file: Display a popupwindow with the option to sunc all the // adminmodules if there are any changes, like new ones or deleted ones. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!eregi("admin.php", $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'])) { die ("Access Denied"); } echo " <html> <head><title>Table status changed</title></head> <body> <center> <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"> <tr> <td>"; if($GLOBALS['DnMC'] == 2){ echo '<script language="JavaScript"> <!--// window.close(); //--> </script>'; }else{ $returnValue = checkSync($gID); echo $returnValue['regen']; echo $returnValue['remove']; } echo '</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="admin.php?op=main&module='.$ModName.'&admin_func=edit®en=1&remove_old_modules=1&DnMC=2&gID='.$gID.'">Initiate</a></td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>'; ?> --- NEW FILE: pnfunctions.php --- <? // File: $Id: pnfunctions.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-NUKE Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - // Thatware - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, [...1309 lines suppressed...] } } } } } function admin_title($title) { OpenTable(); echo "<center><font class=\"pn-title\"><b>".$title."</b></font></center>"; CloseTable(); } function admin_submit($module,$op,$text) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="module" value="'.$module.'">'."\n" .'<input type="hidden" name="op" value="'.$op.'">'."\n" .'<input type="submit" value="'.$text.'">'."\n"; } ?> --- NEW FILE: pninit.php --- <? // File: $Id: pninit.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-NUKE Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - // Thatware - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Original Author of file: // Purpose of file: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if(basename($PHP_SELF) == basename(__FILE__)){ echo "You have no access to this file!!!"; exit; } // -------------------------------------------- // This is not a standardfunction in pninit.php // function isInAGroup($mID){ list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); if(function_exists(admin_pntables)){ $pntable = admin_pntables(); }else{ $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); } $table = $pntable['member_table']; $column = &$pntable['members']; $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE ".$column['mid']."='".$mID."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); return mysql_numrows($result); } function restoreToDefault(){ $ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); if(function_exists(admin_pntables)){ $pntable = admin_pntables(); }else{ $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); } $modTable = pnConfigGetVar('prefix')."_modules"; // Delete all records of any tab and modules $table = $pntable['member_table']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$table); if (mysql_error()){ pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($query). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } $table = $pntable['group_table']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$table); if (mysql_error()){ pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($query). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } // Create a list of default tabs // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All tabnames $tabNames = array("Configuration","Users","Content","Quick Links"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All sorting of tabs $sort['Quick Links'] = 1; $sort['Content'] = 2; $sort['Users'] = 3; $sort['Configuration'] = 4; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All sorting of tabs $lockID['Quick Links'] = 0; $lockID['Content'] = 0; $lockID['Users'] = 0; $lockID['Configuration'] = 1; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All sorting of tabs $defaultID['Quick Links'] = 1; $defaultID['Content'] = 0; $defaultID['Users'] = 0; $defaultID['Configuration'] = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All default modules in tabs, each number is the ID in the table "modules" $modsIDs['Quick Links'] = array("6","60","84","86","77","19","52","25"); $modsIDs['Content'] = array("8","9","10","13","3","20","27","90","33"); $modsIDs['Users'] = array("14","16","18","53","32"); $modsIDs['Configuration'] = array("7","96","11","12","15","17","41","93","21","22","29","31"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Let's loop and create tabs and it's content. for($x = 0;$x < count($tabNames);$x++){ $newTabName = $tabNames[$x]; $sortOrder = $sort[$newTabName]; $listODModIDs = $modsIDs[$newTabName]; $UseLock = $lockID[$newTabName]; $default = $defaultID[$newTabName]; $infotype_cols = &$pntable['group']; $query = "INSERT INTO ".$pntable['group_table']." (". $infotype_cols['id'].",". $infotype_cols['lock'].",".$infotype_cols['order'].",". $infotype_cols['name'].",". $infotype_cols['default'].") VALUES ('','".$UseLock."','".$sortOrder."','".$newTabName."','".$default."')"; mysql_query($query); if (mysql_error()){ pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($query). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; }else{ $infotype_cols = &$pntable['members']; $groupID = mysql_insert_id(); for($i = 0;$i < count($listODModIDs);$i++){ $modID = $listODModIDs[$i]; $query = "INSERT INTO ".$pntable['member_table']." (". $infotype_cols['gid'].",". $infotype_cols['mid'].") VALUES ('".$groupID."','".$modID."')"; mysql_query($query); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a Misc tab where all other modules should be stored. // $infotype_cols = &$pntable['group']; $newTabName = "Misc"; $sortOrder = ""; $default = 0; $query = "INSERT INTO ".$pntable['group_table']." (". $infotype_cols['id'].",". $infotype_cols['lock'].",".$infotype_cols['order'].",". $infotype_cols['name'].",". $infotype_cols['default'].") VALUES ('','0','".(count($tabNames)+1)."','".$newTabName."','".$default."')"; mysql_query($query); if (mysql_error()){ pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($query). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; }else{ $miscID = mysql_insert_id(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Modules in group $infotype_cols = &$pntable['members']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".pnConfigGetVar('prefix')."_modules WHERE pn_admin_capable='1'"); $num = mysql_numrows($result); for ($i = 0 ;$i < $num; $i++){ $modID = mysql_result($result, $i, "pn_id"); if(isInAGroup($modID) < 1){ $query = "INSERT INTO ".$pntable['member_table']." (". $infotype_cols['gid'].",". $infotype_cols['mid'].") VALUES ('".$miscID."','".$modID."')"; mysql_query($query); if(mysql_error()){ pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($sql). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } } } return true; } function admin_init(){ list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); if(!is_array($pntable)){ echo "<p><b>No tables found to create!</b></p>"; } // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // ============================== NEXT TABLE =============================== // group_table // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $templatetable = $pntable['group_table']; $templatecolumn = &$pntable['group']; $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$templatetable." ( ".$templatecolumn['id']." INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ".$templatecolumn['name']." VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ".$templatecolumn['lock']." VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ".$templatecolumn['all']." VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ".$templatecolumn['order']." INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ".$templatecolumn['default']." TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL )"; mysql_query($sql); // Check for an error with the database code, and if so set an // appropriate error message and return if (mysql_error()) { pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); return false; } // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // ============================== NEXT TABLE =============================== // member_table // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $templatetable = $pntable['member_table']; $templatecolumn = &$pntable['members']; $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$templatetable." ( ".$templatecolumn['gid']." INT(11), ".$templatecolumn['order']." INT(11), ".$templatecolumn['mid']." INT(11) )"; mysql_query($sql); // Check for an error with the database code, and if so set an // appropriate error message and return if (mysql_error()) { pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED); return false; } $query = "INSERT INTO ".pnConfigGetVar('prefix')."_module_vars (pn_modname,pn_name,pn_value) VALUES ('/PNConfig','use_new_admin','1')"; mysql_query($query); if(restoreToDefault()){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * upgrade the template module from an old version * This function Agent_Registration_user_can be called multiple times */ function admin_upgrade($oldversion){ list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); if(!is_array($pntable)){ echo "<p><b>No tables to create were found!</b></p>"; die; return false; } switch($oldversion) { case "0.0.6": // No table update needed. return true; break; case "0.0.5": // No table update needed. admin_upgrade("0.0.6"); break; case "0.0.4": $query = "INSERT INTO ".pnConfigGetVar('prefix')."_module_vars (pn_modname,pn_name,pn_value) VALUES ('/PNConfig','use_new_admin','1')"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _UPDATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($sql). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } admin_upgrade("0.0.5"); break; case "0.0.3": $templatetable = $pntable['group_table']; $templatecolumn = &$pntable['group']; $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$templatetable." ADD ".$templatecolumn['all']." INT(11) NOT NULL default '0'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _UPDATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($sql). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } admin_upgrade("0.0.4"); break; case "0.0.2": $templatetable = $pntable['group_table']; $templatecolumn = &$pntable['group']; $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$templatetable." ADD ".$templatecolumn['lock']." INT(11) NOT NULL default '0'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _UPDATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($sql). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } admin_upgrade("0.0.3"); break; case "0.0.1": $templatetable = $pntable['member_table']; $templatecolumn = &$pntable['members']; $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$templatetable." ADD ".$templatecolumn['order']." INT(11) NOT NULL default '1'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _UPDATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($sql). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } $templatetable = $pntable['group_table']; $templatecolumn = &$pntable['group']; $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$templatetable." ADD ".$templatecolumn['order']." INT(11) NOT NULL default '1'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()){ pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _UPDATETABLEFAILED); echo "<p>".nl2br($sql). " <br> ".mysql_error()."</p>"; return false; } admin_upgrade("0.0.2"); break; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } } /** * delete the template module * This function Agent_Registration_user_is only ever called once during the lifetime of a particular * module instance */ function admin_delete() { // Get datbase setup - note that both pnDBGetConn() and pnDBGetTables() // return arrays but we handle them differently. For pnDBGetConn() // we currently just want the first item, which is the official // database handle. For pnDBGetTables() we want to keep the entire // tables array together for easy reference later on list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); // Drop the table - for such a simple command the advantages of separating // out the SQL statement from the Execute() command are minimal, but as // this has been done elsewhere it makes sense to stick to a single method $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$pntable['group_table']; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { return false; } $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$pntable['member_table']; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { return false; } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".pnConfigGetVar('prefix')."_module_vars WHERE pn_modname='/PNConfig' AND pn_name='use_new_admin'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { return false; } return true; } ?> --- NEW FILE: pntables.php --- <? // File: $Id: pntables.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST-NUKE Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - // Thatware - // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Original Author of file: // Purpose of file: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if(basename($PHP_SELF) == basename(__FILE__)){ echo "You have no access to this file!!!"; exit; } function admin_pntables(){ // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $pntable = array(); // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // ============================== NEXT TABLE =============================== // admin_lite_group // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Get the name for the template item table. This is not necessary // but helps in the following statements and keeps them readable $departments = pnConfigGetVar('prefix') . '_admin_lite_group'; $pntable['group_table'] = $departments; $pntable['group'] = array( 'id' => $departments . '.groupID', 'name' => $departments . '.groupName', 'lock' => $departments . '.groupLock', 'all' => $departments . '.groupShowAllModules', 'default' => $departments . '.groupDefault', 'order' => $departments . '.sortOrder' ); // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // ============================== NEXT TABLE =============================== // admin_lite_group_members // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Get the name for the template item table. This is not necessary // but helps in the following statements and keeps them readable $departments_members = pnConfigGetVar('prefix') . '_admin_lite_group_members'; $pntable['member_table'] = $departments_members; $pntable['members'] = array( 'gid' => $departments_members . '.groupID', 'order' => $departments_members . '.sortOrder', 'mid' => $departments_members . '.moduleID' ); return $pntable; } ?> --- NEW FILE: pnversion.php --- <? // $Id: pnversion.php,v 2002/08/04 21:23:21 niceguyeddie Exp $ $Name: $ $modversion['name'] = 'Admin'; $modversion['version'] = '0.0.7'; $modversion['description'] = 'PostNuke Admin Module'; $modversion['credits'] = 'docs/'; $modversion['help'] = 'docs/docs/'; $modversion['changelog'] = 'docs/'; $modversion['license'] = 'docs/'; $modversion['offical'] = 0; $modversion['author'] = 'Magnus Hammar & Bjarne Varöystrand'; $modversion['contact'] = ','; $modversion['admin'] = 0; $modversion['securityschema'] = array('admin::' => 'Tab Name:Tab Module:'); ?>
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