Author : Mike
Date: 2003/03/05 15:42
CVSNotice uses the Subject line of the mails it receives to figure out which the directory
and files are involved, so the exact format of the CVS notice mails you send/receive will
influence how CVSNotice can "find" those two elements.
Example: in the cases where I used it, the subject in the CVS notices looked like this :
CVS: some/path/ file1,1.2,1.3 file2,1.7
The $prefix variable is set to 'CVS: ' here, so the script will remove that part of the
subject first, and then split the rest of the subject line into $dir (the first part) and
$files (the rest). And that's what it saves in the database, and uses later on to display
the CVS notices and to link back to the corresponding ViewCVS directory.
So in your case, you probably need to adapt the $prefix variable of the script, and
perhaps customize the import_notices function a little bit, so that the 'CVS' part is
ignored and the script can find the right $dir. Otherwise, you won't get the right
directory in the database...