Mike's Pub -> Discussion Corner -> Support Forum for CVSNotice

 cvsnotices [ Reply ] [ Back to Index ] Top Bottom

Author : Drak
Date: 2003/08/13 07:49

Hi.  I seem to be missing one file from cvsnotices.... list.php - I dont see it available
for download on your site and was wondering if you would be able to email me a copy?

Kind regards,


 Re: cvsnotices [ Reply ] [ Back to Index ] Top Bottom

Author : Mike
Date: 2003/08/15 09:08

Actually, the list.php I use on this site is just a rename of the cvsnotice.php file you
can download here...

I did add some better support for client-side caching though, by sending ETag and
Last-Modified HTTP headers and checking if the script can send back a 304 Not Modified
status instead of re-generating the page. Comes in handy when you're being spidered a lot
by Googlebot etc.
If you're interested in that, I can clean up my local version and publish a new release of

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Mike's Pub -> Discussion Corner -> Support Forum for CVSNotice